Monday, June 23, 2008

Thanks, Paloma!

Hola, hope everyone's enjoying their Monday. I've been enjoying mine, and I'm just getting ready to go do some laps. First I wanted to thank you, Paloma, for posting those photos! You're so right about that fashion trend spreading...pretty soon everyone will want the look, mask included. :) I did want to clarify though that I didn't design the last shirt (the shirt my young adult cancer support group wore to Relay for Life this year); to get technical, I wrote it, but Lizz from our group designed it, so I want to make sure she gets the credit!!! :) In case you can't read it, it says: "We support each other. We share our concerns, our challenges, our joys. We cry and we laugh together. Cancer is our common bond and together we will relay to "CELEBRATE" health, to "REMEMBER" friends and family we lost and to "FIGHT BACK" against a disease that attacked our bodies but never tarnished our spirit. We are the Young and the Restless." The theme for Relay this year was "Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back", which explains the caps and quotes. I'll write more later...just got my neutrophils yet, but my doctor told me yesterday that it's physically impossible for them to come up before day 21, and I'm at day 18. I'll have to do some hardcore visualization! But first, I'm off to do some laps. Hope everyone's doing well! And thanks again, Paloma! ¡¡¡Muchísimas gracias!!!


Katie said...

I still love what you wrote on the back of the shirts. Where did you steal that one from? :o)

Just kidding! It's awesome.

lomester said...

No problema Julieta. You may get another visit from me soon so we can take another fashionista photoshoot.

Laura said...

That Paloma (also a little putita!) ;) sure takes some great pictures! :) She did a very good job at not only capturing your style, but also your personality! Good job, Paloma! :) I had fun at our little sleepover last night, and if you'll let me, I plan to sleep over again this Wednesday. What kind of movie are you in the mood for this time? Start thinking about it. Love ya! -Laurita

lomester said...

WOW! I am in the "putita" club!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Paloma...those are super cute photos! Julie, I think you could start your own line of hospital'll have all the patients, nurses, etc. sporting your look!