Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Friday everyone! I'm sitting here watching "Wedding Crashers" and cracking up....seriously, if you haven't seen this movie, it's hiiiiiiiiiilarious!!
Laura, thanks for posting the photos. As you can all see, we had a great dance party, even if it was only the two of us! We must have listened to that song about 50 times yesterday.
First things first: I'm going home Sunday instead of tomorrow, which is fine by me. Honestly, just thinking about taking apart the room (even if I know I won't be made to do much work...after all, I am a cancer patient :) ) makes me tired. It also makes me tired to think about putting it all away when I get home (even if that means just putting it on the floor of my room). Then I think about driving back and forth to the doctor, taking care of my catheter, little things that I guess add up...not that I don't have tons of help and support, 'cause I do, but it still feels kind of stressful. I also know there are lots of positives that await: my pups, of course!; my shower with the good, warm water and water pressure; my family (sorry to put you after the shower and dogs, but you know how much I love ya! :) ---guess you know what's on my mind though--Jameson, Guinny; a nice warm shower with normal wash cloths and towels; my own bed; good food. So there are lots of good things awaiting me! I guess I'm just pondering the next couple weeks in general...sometimes it's hard to focus on the day-to-day when you have no idea what to expect, although isn't that what life is like in general? Geez...I'm so philosophical lately!! The difficult part for me right now is that I know what's coming will not be pleasant, so even after a wonnnnnderful day spent visiting with friends and family, I think of the next couple weeks and I feel tired, scared, vulnerable, and a bunch of other stuff that I don't know how to articulate. How's that for eloquent?
So I've decided to pick things to look forward to....I do this a lot anyway, even when I wasn't sick. Even if it was an event that was weeks or months away, sometimes it's just what I needed to motivate me to keep on chugging through the everyday humdrum that I miss now. :) Here's what I decided to do: I'm going to buy a guide book for Ireland, and take it with me wherever I go (by this, I don't mean I won't let it out of my sight, I mean I'll take it with me to wherever I get my treatment), so I can read up....hahahahaha sorry, I'm distracted now....Vince Vaughan is talking about his "stage five clinger" in the movie right now...I love this part!!!! OK....back to Ireland: I figured even if I won't be able to go for a couple years, the book will give me something special to look forward to. I have been thinking about visiting Ireland for years now, so just reading up on it will be fun. I figure I'll have to update the guidebook whenever I go, but I'll already know lots about the history and the different parts of the country and where I want to visit.
Speaking of Europe (OK, not the best transition, but I tried), I had a deeeelicious dinner from my favorite German restaurant last night!!! Laura, my parents and Lori surprised me, and it was quite a nice treat! I can never get enough Sauerbrauten and red cabbage....and the potato dumplings and potato pancakes with applesauce....mmmmmm!! And then there was cake.....sorry you missed it, Kathy. I know how you feel about cake. :) I should have weighed myself today to see how much I gained from the one meal! Thanks for planning that, Laura! It was a wonderful surprise! And thanks, Pete for helping her pick it up---for braving the traffic and having to hang out with Laura the whole time. hahahahaha
I visited with another cute dog today, and her owner said she saved me as the last patient because she knew her dog would be spoiled in my room--lots of pats and some yummy treats. I'm glad I'm one of the dogs' favorites. :) I can't wait to see Jameson and Guinness!!
Let's see...not too much else to say today. I got some platelets, had lots of wonderful visitors, and really enjoyed my day. I'm feeling good other than my congestion (are you sick of hearing about that?) and my totally clogged left ear---they switched my ear drops to Cipro because my doctor thinks there's a small outer ear you really want to know all these details? I keep reminding myself that even though it's realllllly annoying that I've had a cold/cough/congestion for about 2 months now, things could be a lot worse. That always makes me feel a little better.
OK, I'm getting sleepy (it's actually 10:08 even though the entry says otherwise :) ) so I'm gonna sign off. Hope all is well with everyone, and as always, thanks for everything!!!!!!
Love ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I be your "travel buddy" to Ireland, a.k.a. the muthaland? I think it's a great idea to start planning fun vacations!! I love it when you read up on all of the important stuff in the guide books and just give me the highlights!