Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hey, it's me AGAIN!!
I had a wonderful dinner with Lori and Paulina tonight...we were laughing all evening. It's pretty special to be able to do
that considering the situation! Anyway, one of the things we were joking about was asking for visits from the Yankees instead of mere autographs. Lori said we should try to apply to the Make a Wish Foundation, that she would send in a picture of me when I was young so they didn't have any inkling of our little trick. :) Anyway, I told Ronnie about that when we got home and he passed on this video from the Onion to me. If you didn't know already, now you'll know that I truly have a sick sense of humor.
I could not stop laughing. I figure, considering the situation, I'm allowed to laugh! :)
Here's the link:


bob said...

Won't load, as sometimes happens when servers are busy because of a post on a popular political blog or social media site. I think that the Onion has experienced the first Julilanche.

Katie said...
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Katie said...

That is pretty funny. :o) I like Darth Vader playing cards with the boy