Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Things are looking up!!

Well, I don't know whether it's all the exercise, the sangría I've enjoyed this summer, or a combination of both, but my hemoglobin and hematocrit are the highest they've been! (I only mention sangría because I like to think that consuming any type of red wine helps with the red cell know, red cells, red wine...there must be some correlation!) I saw my doctor Monday and he was very excited to share my numbers with me...well, white count still isn't superspectacular, but it's not bad either, BUT my hemoglobin was 10.4 and my hematocrit 31.1! I haven't had a hematocrit over 29 in I don't know how long!!! It's been fluctuating between 27 or so and 29 for so many months. And another thing, my platelets are at 147,000! My mom said it's so nice to look at my "report card" of blood numbers and not see an "L" next to some of them (it stands for "low").

As far as my training, I did my cross training yesterday--yoga--and I slept well last night! I have been having lots of weird nightmares lately and have had trouble sleeping, so last night was a nice treat. :) However, because I was sleeping so well, when my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning to get my butt up and go do some speed training on the track at Lake Braddock, I decided that I should enjoy sleeping a little longer since it's been so elusive lately...and I did it again at 6:30...and 8:30. I like to tell myself that it's important to listen to my body because, after all, I did have leukemia and I need to take care of it. But I am npw realizing that I overuse that excuse, when the real reason I'm not getting up is simply because I don't feel like it. I can sleep, so I do! Boy will it be a shock when I do find a job and have to get up early EVERY morning!

So as for today's training, I've decided to go to the gym and do it on a treadmill because I absolutely cannot bear the thought of being outside for any amount of time. I know, I know, my race will be outside, but I am really banking on the fact that this nasty, unsafe weather will be gone by then. It's always good to hope for the best!

1 comment:

lomester said...

congrats on the stelllar report card julieta!!!!

i am so proud of you!

and - red wine, its not just good for red cells anymore, i think it is good for anticogulating blood factors and muscle repair that I need. (or for forgetting what you need - hee)