Sunday, July 8, 2007

Popcorn and M&Ms

Just a note: I'm pretty sure I gained back that pound I lost. I've developed this taste for popcorn and M&Ms mixed together---you should try it, but I'm warning you, don't do it with reduced fat popcorn...not even worth it. That stuff tastes like crap. It's like diet soda...I mean, does anyone really, truly like the taste of it? Just stick with the real stuff and use a little moderation--you'll enjoy each day so much more. But seriously, try the popcorn and M&Ms. It's definitely craveable.

1 comment:

lomester said...

When I was training for the marathon i ate anything and everything... i mean, you are TRAINING... you need the fuel.

I lost 15 lbs... which i regained as soon as the marathon was over and i felt i needed to "reward" myself for my hardwork :)