Happy Saturday everyone!
It was a warm one, but it was beautiful. Mine was wonderful. I enjoyed a visit with my cousin and family, my friend Eddie, and the fam (except for Laura...unfortunately, she couldn't make it today). I'll tell you all about my day in a bit. First I wanted to talk about my day yesterday.
So, I'm feeling well and Aunt Bitsy is making sure I get out and about a lot, which helps me because I don't sit around and worry. :)
My ENT says everything looks great, and he'll leave in the tube until I'm done flying around the country because it will help me with the pressure...that is, unless it randomly falls out all by itself. How embarrassing would that be if I'm just walking around somewhere and it falls out? I'm sure I'm picturing something much bigger than it actually is, but the whole concept is pretty gross. :) Aunt Bitsy and I went to IHOP after the appointment and I had some deliiiicious chocolate chip pancakes...I can't remember the last time I had those! We did our mile walk in the afternoon with the pups, and later in the evening we convinced my mom to go see "Wall-E". Although my mom slept (and snored!) through part of it, and she and Aunt Bitsy didn't completely follow the story, I loved it! I am amazed by what they can do with animation. I laughed along with all the kids in the theater, and I got teary a couple times (but Katie said she did too, so I don't feel so crazy anymore :) ) Somehow they make the robots appear surprisingly human-like with their expressions and emotions. The only irritating part of the movie experience was dealing with the row of girls in front of us...they were maybe 10-years old, and they talked the entire way through. One girl got up ten times, I swear. I sat there pondering how best to deal with them, and decided that next time I go to the theater, I'll just bring a water gun...not a big oozie one, but a small one I can hide easily in my purse. I really think it's a pretty clever idea! I can't get in any trouble for that, can I? :)
Moving on to today....I had a great time visiting with everyone. I posted a bunch of photos. We went for a walk, talked, ate some yummy spaghetti sauce (thanks, Tracie!!), and played. I also held Addison, my goddaughter....Mom, we did this secretly when you left the room for a couple minutes. :) I know the doc said a while back not to hug or hold infants, but Aunt Bitsy, Tracie and I decided that holding her for just a minute wouldn't hurt, so I did. And I don't know if you noticed her shirt, but if you click on the photo, you'll probably see it in the enlargement. It has a picture of a screw, and under that it reads "leukemia"...my sentiments exactly!!!! Tracie and Steve gave me a shirt that reads "K_ck_ng C_nc_rs _ss -- Would you like to buy a vowel?" Everyone knows I love "Wheel of Fortune" so this shirt seemed extra appropriate!! I love it!!!
Anyway, it was nice to cuddle Addy, even just for a minute. I passed her off just in time before my mom walked in....but then again, I am giving away our little secret on this public blog, so I guess it doesn't really matter, huh? :)
It was a very good day, as you can see from the photos! I got to spend a lot of time with my buddy Ethan (the original hula-hooper --- he was the one who inspired me to buy hula hoops, and he was impressed with my newly acquired skill!). There were a couple times when Ethan got serious and asked me some very poignant questions (especially for a 6-year old!) regarding my illness. When I lost my hair in '05, he called it "crazy hair", and this is what I've decided to call my book if I ever get to writing one. :) Anyway, he asked me today when it was that I first got cancer, so I told him 3 1/2 years ago. Then he said "and that was the first time?". I said "yes", and then I said that I was going to make this the last time and get better. He asked, "How are you going to do that?" I told him we would take some bone marrow from Laura, or some "blood stuff" and that it would help me. Then I smiled and said "So then I'll be like Laura...I don't know, do you think that's bad or good?!" He very sweetly said "Well, what do you think?! Good?!!" Some of you reading this may think this is too deep of a conversation to have with a 6-year old, but if you know Ethan, you know that it is not!! I am so glad I was able to see and talk to him. I'm always struck by the honesty and sensitivity of children, and I've been lucky to spend a lot of time with Ethan over the years. Of course I was excited to see everyone today, but hanging out with him was like an extra-special therapy for me.
Geez...that makes it sound like I didn't care about anyone else here today, which is NOT true!!! You all know what I mean. :)
I'm looking forward to another good day tomorrow. I feel like I need to remind myself to really enjoy every moment I have with everyone, because soon I'll be leaving. I have to stockpile all the memories so they'll give me energy and hope when I'm in Boston or Seattle, wherever I end up having the transplant. I've been telling myself that it's only for four months or so, and when I look at it that way, it doesn't seem so bad. As I've written before, life is all about perspective. And speaking of perspective, last night when we walked into the theater, there was a young boy behind us. I heard him comment to his dad that it was a good view from up there. I looked out from the covered walkway, only two levels up. The "view" was a parking lot full of cars with some townhouses just beyond it. I thought to myself, "well, it's not the nicest view I've seen", but then I reminded myself that a child would never see it like that. To him, it must have felt much higher and the view much grander. The night was probably extra-special because he was going to a movie with his dad. It seems that anyone can teach us about perspective, even a child. I will keep his comment in mind when I'm not impressed with my "view". It's all in how you look at it.
I hope you enjoy the photos...I know there are a lot, but hey, you don't have to look at them if you don't want to! :) Thanks again everyone for my wonderful day! Love ya.
The photos are as follows: 1)Ethan tells Tiso about the science fair he won earlier this year; 2)Tiso with his new iphone!; 3)OK, let's talk about this one for a sec. Some of you have seen Jameson give me hugs...all I have to say is "Jamie, give me a hug!" and he sits down and either a)hugs my legs if I'm standing up or b)puts his paws around my neck if I'm sitting on the ground. This is the view of his hug when I'm in the standing position. Katie made fun of this photo though because she said that the effects I did (the black and white and matte-look) made the photo look like it was something for a memorial. Does anyone else see this?!! I guess it kind of does, but I just thought it was cute looking! :); 4)I told you Jameson watched me wherever I went!; 5)Addison; 6)(Addy), Tracie, me (on Ethan's scooter), Katie, Aunt Bitsy, Steve, Ethan, Noah and the pups; 7)(Addy), Tracie, me, Mom, Aunt Bitsy, Steve, Noah, Ethan, Jameson and Guinny's butt; 8)Katie and Ethan in the car; 9)Ethan, the original hula hooper!!!; 10)Tracie, Steve, Noah, Ethan and Addy (I actually don't know if her name is spelled with a "y" or "ie"--I better figure this out!!! :) ); 11)Ethan, Aunt Bitsy and Guinness; 12)Mom, Tracie, Steve, Noah (and Addy); 13)Addy cracking up; 14)Addison again---she's sooooo adorable!!!!; 15)Katie shows Ethan what we brought him from Seattle; 16)Me with my new shirt!; 17)Addison and her shirt---I love it!!!!; 18)Ethan with his new camera--he's a great photographer!; 19)Just chillin' with my goddaughter :)
Sorry I can't put these descriptions under the photos themselves, but it won't let me do it that way. Hope you enjoy them!
Nice touch with the 6 year old, Ethan. You'll be a good mom.
OMG- how cute are those kids?! (And the dogs, of course. I know that if I don't add that I would get sh-t (buy a vowel)). I, personally am glad you got to hold your goddaughter and if only Addison knew how special that moment was for you and for her. I LOVED her shirt and I think I'd like a few of those to wear to workout. Maybe a few that say screw leukemia, screw autisim, screw workingout- I dunno, I am sure you could come up with a few, too. (By the way, Tracie- if you read this, you look GREAT! And what the heck is your e-mail address?!) Julie- you look fab and your smile just lights up all of those photos. I am so glad you have all of these people coming to see you- people who love you and whom you have touched. I wish some people from Georgia could get off their fat -ss-s and come to VA. Keep smiling, my dear.
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