¡Hola! ¿Cómo están todos? All is well here. As you can see from the photos, I had another wonderful day yesterday. My cousin, Jeff, came with his wife Cole and adorable son, Liam. I especially love the photo of Liam holding the baby toad. Each photo of him shows you how outdoorsy he is because he's holding the toad, climbing in a tree or showing Aunt Bitsy the snake he saw when he went hiking (he explained to us that it was a timber rattlesnake--I didn't know they were in our area, but apparently there's a colony of them on Bull Run Mountain, so if you hike over there, keep a look out for them! :) ).
I also got to visit with the Morgans, Kathryn and Alex. It's hard for me to explain what these visits mean to me...spending time with everyone feels like filling up my battery for the future when I start slowing down a bit....stockpiling the memories, as I wrote before. You know what? I've come to realize that I say the same thing over and over again in this blog, but I guess you'll have to deal with it 'cause it's very therapeutic for me!!! :)
Today Aunt Bitsy and I went to IHOP again (see photos!), and it was yummy. After that, per my mom's request, I went to my doc's office to check my blood because I had been having a headache and she and Ronnie thought I looked pale. I definitely feel pale, but then again, I'm not wearing any makeup and I'm used to putting that on every day! Anyway, my blood was good....my hematocrit was 25, and they typically transfuse me at 22....well, they transfused at 25 in the hospital, but 22 when I'm an outpatient...don't ask me why 'cause I have no idea!
So tomorrow we go to Boston to meet with the staff up there, and I'm not really sure what to expect. I'm just going with the flow. I know I'm not looking forward to waking up at 5:45, but hey, you do what you have to do, right?! :)
Tonight we went out to Laura and Tiso's house--they made cornish hens, and although the hen was intimidating to cut (e.g.I had no idea how to do it :) ), it was delicious! I feel like I was laughing all evening, and that is always a good thing.
I'm feeling pretty good. I have a headache on and off, but my sinuses feel much better, thank goodness! I will let you all know how the trip to Boston goes. It all still feels so surreal because I'm doing so well right now...I have to get all the fun in this week because I have a feeling we'll be going through with the chemo next week and you know what that means!---low counts and no venturing out of the house except for to my doctor's office (and hopefully a walk!). Aunt Bitsy is making sure I get out so I can build up my energy and have some fun before we continue this whole process.
I attached lots of photos again. In addition to writing, I love taking photos, so if you're sick of looking at them, tough! :) I won't describe each photo...I think you know everyone by now! Mostly it's me posing with everyone. I tried to take advantage of a fairly photogenic day. :)
How DO you eat these F*#K!@G birds, anyway??? :) Ahhhh...the question of the evening last night, huh, Julie? ;) Maybe you & I should take some turkey/cornish hen carving lessons from Dad...seemed like he got a lot more meat off his then we did! :) Love you! -Laura
Julie, I enjoy the photos! Good luck with your journey to Boston! My mom (and Derrick and Jason) actually drove back yesterday from their summer vacation there. They had a great time--hopefully you'll have some time to explore before or after the transplant? After catching up a little on your blog tonight, what stuck out in my mind was your story about canceling your gym membership and I do agree with you, I'm very surprised that woman acted the way she did.
Anyways, you're a great writer and I really enjoy reading on this blog how things are going with you and your family. Love, Kristin
Whoops! Looks like last time I was here I didn't read back far enough, I just read your post on your Boston weekend, anyways, glad you got to see around a little and I hope your weekend in Seattle also goes well.
I like your term "year of rehealthification"! And you should definitely write a book! (Sorry I'm just splattering all my random comments here...)
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