All is well here. I had a delllllllicious dinner at Sweetwater last night with Laura, Pete and Abe...I can't believe how much I of those awesome rolls, lobster bisque, sprite, coke, wine, almost the entire 7-oz steak, potatoes AND a flourless chocolate waffle!!! Kinda makes you sick to think of eating all that, doesn't it?! It was a lot of fun though, and I enjoyed the food and the company!
This morning I went to the hospital infusion clinic to get blood, and I got to see two of my very favorite nurses whom I haven't seen since 2006 when I had my last transfusion in the clinic. It was good to be able to chat with them, although I would have much preferred to run into them in the supermarket or any other location! Despite the circumstances, my mom and I were very glad to be able to catch up with them. Receiving blood and chemo can be such a social activity, if you're feeling well and have the energy to talk to the nurses as well as other patients. In that aspect, I'm looking forward to all the new people I'll be meeting over the next several months.
Remember when I said this would be short? It's already a little wordy! OK, I'll finish up real quick. :)
I saw "The Dark Knight" yesterday, and it was all they said it would be. I really enjoyed it, but it's definitely too scary for children...I'll admit I even had to close my eyes during certain parts. The hype about Heath Ledger is true's not just posthumous praise. He did an amazing job as the Joker, and the movie made me sad in that sense because we lost someone with great talent when he died.
The adorabbbble dog you see in the photos belongs to Wallace, and her name is Tink Tink. How cute is she?!! Thanks for coming out to visit, Wallace, and for bringing Tink Tink! She's such a sweetie.
OK, I better pack 'cause I have to get up at, that's only five hours from now. Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone, and I'll write midweek sometime. G'night!
I've never met little cutiepie, TinkTink before...she's adorable! :) Sorry I missed Wallace...glad you had a visitor this afternoon. Your pups are sound asleep in my basement right now...I think our walk really pooped 'em out! :) I'll take good care of them while you're in Seattle! Love you, Laura
When I saw the Seattle pix--and especially the one of Mt. Ranier-- my heart skipped a beat! It's such a beautiful place--home away from home for us! When you are admitted to UW Hospital, ask if they have a room with a view of the Cascades and Lake Washington. Every day I watched out the top-floor window at people sailing and hiking and mingling and it just motivated me more to get through it so I could join them. Plus I could see snow on the mts every day in July :-)
You forgot to mention that they have no mosquitos (or most other biting bugs) out there. REally, if money were no object we'd live each summer in Seattle.
My odds were less than 10%, but like you I was in otherwise good health and you have all the intangibles going for you--especially good family support. I do expect that God will show you the "why me?" answer down the line, as he did for me. Whatever it is it will be a good thing that you couldn't have had without going through the pain. Ain't it always that way?
Hi Julie,
This is Annie Brant's daughter, Kelly. Not sure if you remember me, but we met once when we were kids. I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and I hope everything goes well in Seattle -I also wanted to share the story of a guy I went to college with, Sean. He is a 2 time cancer survivor and has climbed the highest peaks in all 7 continents, all to raise cancer awareness...he has a really great and inspirational website that I hope can help you in your fight:
Take Care, Kelly
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