Friday, June 22, 2007

My first blog ever! :)

OK...well, this is a bit intimidating. I am too tired tonight to try and figure out exactly how this works, but I wanted to somehow keep track of my training for the 1/2 marathon. I finally got some photos uploaded so now I'll have to come up with some creative tidbits to share with everyone. That is, if anyone wants to read about me---to be honest, I don't quite get the whole idea of "blogging" (I'm sure this verb will soon appear in "Webster's"). If I want to find out what's going on with someone, I would rather talk on the phone or meet for dinner or a drink. But hey, I'm willing to embrace the modern age and try this out. For now though, I'm off to bed. My new endeavor with technology can wait 'til morning...or afternoon...or evening...basically whenever I have the patience to try again. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie! Looks good.

lomester said...

Wow JULES! I can't wait to see more info on your training.

I just remembered I was supposed to call you back. I will call you on my way home today :)

Anonymous said...

Great Job Julie!!! I wll be sending my donation, I forgot to give it to you before I left.

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie
You have created a great site!! You must have inherited your writing ability from your mother!
Guess Who!

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to see you running in the neighborhood the other day and to be able to catch up on your family. You were looking great out there. Andi recently ran a half marathon in Boston. She wishes you luck (was just on the phone with her. I have friends who would be willing to give blood. Let me know.
Kathy T.

Julie said...

Hi Mrs. Tomaselli,

It was good to see you too! Did you ever find out whose dog was wandering the neighborhood?

If your friends are interested in donating blood, the best people to contact would be Inova Blood Donor Services: That way, you can make an appointment at any of their different locations in the area. Before I got sick, I used to donate, and I would just call a week or couple days ahead of time and pick a convenient time.

Tell Andi hi and thanks for the good wishes! I'm enjoying my training. I feel especially confident after finishing the 6 mile training on Saturday--it wasn't as painful as I thought it might be. :)

Hopefully I'll see you out and about in English Hills!