Clever, huh? "Cleaning up at 'Crest' Dry Cleaners"? :) Yah, I know, I'm a dork. But I'm a dork who made $304 in an hour and 15 'bout that? Basically, "Crest" has a card with coupons that are worth $140, and the card costs $25. All funds received go toward the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the credit for fundraising goes to me. It seemed so easy, I thought there had to be a catch.
I took my mom and Guinness for support, and, well, Guinness did a great job. My mom, on the other hand, decided to get her hair done! We set up our table outside the cleaner's and next door to our hair salon, and my mom's hairdresser popped out to tell her she had some time to do her hair if my mom so desired. So off she went while Guinness and I did the hard work. :) My mom says it must be a bad sign if her hairdresser offers to do her hair without any appointment arranged!
Most of the people were very friendly when I asked if they were interested in buying a card, however there are always those who walk so that they appear superbusy and unable to glance your way--I think we've all done that! And then some just flat out said "No" when I know, I think if I had done this with the bald head, I would have made out even better!!!
I felt like a lazy fundraiser because many people knew about the cards and came to me before I could feed them any lines. I think I will do this one more time at a different "Crest" location--so if any of you are "Crest" customers, let me know! They're pretty amazing savings.
I'm off to walk around Burke Lake Park--it's a beautiful day out today!!
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