Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Flowers bend as the wind blows, but when the storm is gone, they reach toward the sky once again" (Hallmark :) ). My friend, Veronica, sent me a package with this card inside, and I thought I would share it with you because it's so pretty. In case you're confused, I would be the flower, leukemia and the transplant would be the wind and the storm...just in case you don't pick up on the analogy. hahaha :) Seriously though, I've read and re-read the phrase, and I find it comforting and inspiring. Someday, things will be back to normal, and although it may be a while, my life will be unpaused and I can continue on my way. Thanks, Veronica, for the card and all the goodies! I love them!!
So, yesterday was World Hoop Day! I read about it in that article I told you about a couple weeks ago. Apparently it just started last year, and along with spending the day having hooping workshops around the world, the nonprofit also gives away hoops to underprivileged children, from the US to Africa, Mexico and many other countries around the world. I think that's such a great idea because as their website states, others may provide aid for medical and food purposes, but it's important to remember a child's mental health. As I wrote when I first relapsed, it is impossible to hula hoop without smiling. What started as an obsession to teach myself to hula hoop again (after embarrassing myself at my goddaughter's baptism in May :)) has become a symbol of determination and a reminder of the importance of laughter and fun. I don't think I'll be carrying mine on the plane to Seattle, but I will definitely be purchasing one when I get there. Even if I don't feel like hula hooping, seeing it in my room will keep me smiling.
Yesterday was also Ronnie and Kathy's four year anniversary!!!! Happy Anniversary!! Their wedding was the last time we all went to Corolla, NC (they got married on the beach), but I'm looking forward to another trip there when I'm done with all this crap. Corolla is a special place for our family, and we went there many years in a row until I ruined everything by getting leukemia. Oh well, that will make it all the more special when we go back!
Let's see...what else...I've been spending my days going to the doctor and getting blood and platelets. Yesterday AM when I went to my doctor's office, they were unpleasantly surprised to find that my platelets were only 2,000 (remember, the normal range is 142,000-424,000). It's even more dramatic because on the print-out of numbers, it says I have 2 platelets (it's assumed that you know there are three 0's following the number). Platelets are what help your blood clot, and because mine were so low, I had lots of patechia (little reddish or purplish spots, kind of like freckles, that are caused by broken capillary blood vessels). I have a big one on my chest where I pulled the tape off after taking a shower (I have to wrap my catheter in a plastic bag and tape it securely so my dressing doesn't get wet)...when I saw that the night before last, I knew my platelets must have been really low. I have little patechia on my legs, arms, hands and even a couple on my face! That has never happened much to me, so I was worried, but my doctor said that sometimes platelets take a steep nosedive like that, and he didn't seem concerned. If he's not worried, I'm not! Patechia don't hurt or anything, they just look strange. It was critical that I get platelets though, and the infusion clinic was able to fit me in yesterday afternoon so I wouldn't have to go to short stay.
In other blood number news, my neutrophils are now .012!! Not bad since just the other day they were .003...I have a ways to go before I'm not neutropenic, but it's a good sign that they're going up. Also, nothing has grown in the new cultures they did the other day...woohooo!! This means it must have been a skin contaminant, so there is no gross bacteria growing in me...thank goodness!
I have to admit that I'm already sick of traveling back and forth to doctor's appointments in the hospital, but once I get there, I always enjoy talking to the nurses and the other patients. It sucks that I have to be doing all this, but I love the social aspect of it. I've met and reconnected with a lot of wonderful people, and I will miss them when I go to Seattle, but I look forward to meeting lots of people out there too.
Yesterday I was a little down because it was a gorgeous day here in Virginia--not muggy at all---it felt more like early fall. Unfortunately, I spent a good part of it in the car and in the infusion chairs. I was supposed to go see the Gipsy Kings concert at Wolf Trap last night with Laura, Katie and some friends (something we do every year), but the leukemia spoiled that! It would have been an amazing night for Wolf Trap, a beautiful venue here in Northern Virginia. Everyone said that if I couldn't go, they weren't going to go either, and at first I was upset because I didn't want to ruin things for them, but then I was just touched. It was a very kind and selfless gesture ('cause it's sooooo much fun!!!). We'll do it next year guys! I may have missed the concert, but I can have just as much fun (OK, not quite, but still...) dancing around to their music at home. Here's a link to a video of my favorite song by them. Usually they don't have the cheesy 80s music in the background, but it's still cool:
I still had a wonderful time last night though. Some friends came over and we ate some pizza, laughed a lot and hung out on the back porch....sorry about the owls, guys! Next time they'll definitely come. :) Thanks, Pete, Rich and Abe! We all really enjoyed your company, and you gave me something to look forward to all day.
This is another long one...sorry, I know I can be quite verbose, but this is very therapeutic for me so too bad about you! :) Anyway, tomorrow I go in for platelets again (at 7 AM!), and I'm scheduled for blood on Tuesday, but they might have to switch it to Monday depending on my numbers tomorrow. Think good thoughts for my blood numbers!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their is absolutely beautiful here! We ate dinner on the porch again owls. :) I'm trying to take in all the summer sounds (the bugs, especially the katydids), lawn mowers, the screen door creaking shut (I know the screen door is always there, but for some reason I associate it with summer), the owls (when they come out!)... these sounds remind me of home and summertime, and I have so many happy memories. I know I will need to be able to access these when I'm homesick out in Seattle, so I'm trying to burn them into my mind.
Even though that probably sounds kind of depressing, I really am doing well. I am and will be anxious for a long time, but I think I'm handling things well. I'm terrified to start packing so I recruited Lori to help make it fun. She has helped me clean my room, do Internet searches for housing and donated flights, and I feel so lucky to have her as my friend...well, really, she's like a third sister. Thank you, Lori, for everything!! I hope you had a relaxing day at the beach!
OK, I guess that's all for now. I know I haven't kept up with my blog that well lately, but I think it's probably a good thing because I'm making sure to enjoy each moment with friends and family...I've never been one to sit in front of the computer because I feel like I'm always missing something by being away from everyone else.
I'll try to be a better blogger so you won't have to read one superlong one every few days! :)
Take care, and I'll write again soon!

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