Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cleaning up at "Crest" Dry Cleaners

Clever, huh? "Cleaning up at 'Crest' Dry Cleaners"? :) Yah, I know, I'm a dork. But I'm a dork who made $304 in an hour and 15 'bout that? Basically, "Crest" has a card with coupons that are worth $140, and the card costs $25. All funds received go toward the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the credit for fundraising goes to me. It seemed so easy, I thought there had to be a catch.
I took my mom and Guinness for support, and, well, Guinness did a great job. My mom, on the other hand, decided to get her hair done! We set up our table outside the cleaner's and next door to our hair salon, and my mom's hairdresser popped out to tell her she had some time to do her hair if my mom so desired. So off she went while Guinness and I did the hard work. :) My mom says it must be a bad sign if her hairdresser offers to do her hair without any appointment arranged!
Most of the people were very friendly when I asked if they were interested in buying a card, however there are always those who walk so that they appear superbusy and unable to glance your way--I think we've all done that! And then some just flat out said "No" when I know, I think if I had done this with the bald head, I would have made out even better!!!
I felt like a lazy fundraiser because many people knew about the cards and came to me before I could feed them any lines. I think I will do this one more time at a different "Crest" location--so if any of you are "Crest" customers, let me know! They're pretty amazing savings.
I'm off to walk around Burke Lake Park--it's a beautiful day out today!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What I learned today...

Never eat olives before you go walking in the heat. Lesson learned. Other than that, it was a great walk! :) I did about 15 minutes a mile and the walk included 3 hills and a good-sized slope...PLUS it must have been 100 degrees or so with lots of humidity, our typical Virginia summer. I have discovered that there are certain songs that really get me walking in a good rhythm...Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer", Metallica's "Enter Sandman", "Footloose" (no need to put the artist...I think we all know this song!!), and Georgia Satellites' "Keep Your Hands to Yourself"... it's all I can do to hold myself back and keep from dancing down the street! Depite the olives, it was a good day. Tomorrow is a rest day and I never skip that part of the training!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Training at Dangerfield Island Marina

What a beautiful weekend it was! Yesterday I got up at 5 AM to meet my Team in Training walk team at Dangerfield Island Marina. We completed 6 miles and I was very proud of myself, although my hips were not too pleased...I know, I know, push past the pain, but hey--I had cancer so I take it easy if I feel like it! :) Yep, that's right, I'm continuing to play the cancer card. The way I figure, I can always use it for a little sympathy---even in 50 years...I can say "Remember when I had leukemia? That's better be nice to me."
Anywayyyy, we walked along the Mount Vernon Trail and it was a wonderful start to the day. You definitely have to pay attention on that trail though---no letting your thoughts wander off or you could get sideswiped by an eager biker who declares "on your left" at a level that is barely audible, or a silent rider (the worst kind) who comes up at top speed, counting on the fact that you won't lose your center of balance and step even an inch in his direction. It definitely keeps you on your toes! (no pun intended). :) I admit that I did feel a little jealous of the superfit runners who sprinted past and probably think of 6 miles as a mere warm-up. I felt better though by telling myself that they probably weren't well-rounded or anything. They're probably obsessed with fitness and no fun to even talk to. :)
So maybe I'm not superspeedy, but it's still early!! I met some more people on my team yesterday which makes Saturday AM training more fun. We chat about how we heard about Team in Training (TNT), what event we are walking, tips for fundraising and unTNTrelated (yes, it's a word!) interests. I should have some photos to put up soon so you can see me in action---I'm so fast the photo is blurry...hahahaha
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Taping a commercial for 106.7 WJFK

Soon all of you who live in the metro DC area will be privileged to hear the smooth sounds of my voice on the radio waves. :) Inova Blood Donor Services teamed up with WJFK (106.7) to arrange blood drives in the area, and they asked several patients to give a short testimony about their personal successes after receiving blood products. Today I went to the studio on Main Street in Fairfax and recorded a short spot which should start running sometime next week.
Unfortunately, Don and Mike are no longer at the Fairfax location, but I did get a little tour and I saw where they recorded their show for about the past 15 years. Although I grew up hearing about them since they live in our area, I never really listened until Ronnie began chauffeuring me to and from my doctor's appointments in 2005. They brought us a lot of laughs during a time that might have otherwise been a little too serious. I know, this post has nothing to do with Team in Training or my walk, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless!!
Plus, what kind of advertiser would I be if I didn't pass on the necessity for blood in our area?! If you have some extra moments and you are able to donate, do it. If you're not convinced, just listen to all the stories that will be on WJFK, and you will realize that it truly makes a difference. It may only be a half hour or so out of your life, but it will be something the patient remembers forever.

My first blog ever! :)

OK...well, this is a bit intimidating. I am too tired tonight to try and figure out exactly how this works, but I wanted to somehow keep track of my training for the 1/2 marathon. I finally got some photos uploaded so now I'll have to come up with some creative tidbits to share with everyone. That is, if anyone wants to read about me---to be honest, I don't quite get the whole idea of "blogging" (I'm sure this verb will soon appear in "Webster's"). If I want to find out what's going on with someone, I would rather talk on the phone or meet for dinner or a drink. But hey, I'm willing to embrace the modern age and try this out. For now though, I'm off to bed. My new endeavor with technology can wait 'til morning...or afternoon...or evening...basically whenever I have the patience to try again. :)